Ormiston Beachcroft Academy students celebrate GCSE success

Students and staff at Ormiston Beachcroft Academy, an alternative provision school in Westminster, are celebrating their GCSE results, as they get ready to take their next steps.

The academy is incredibly proud of its students’ hard work and achievements today. Some of the individual standout achievements include:

  • Shuaib Abu Jabir, who achieved some fantastic results across all qualifications, including grades 4 and above in seven subjects
  • Misk Alhasani who obtained a grade 4 and above in a range of subjects, with stand-out performances in mathematics and science
  • Gerald Osuhon who secured strong results across all qualifications, including grades 4 and above in core subjects
  • Aminah Serroukh who achieved well across all areas of study, including grades 4 and above in core subjects

As an inclusive alternative provision setting, Ormiston Beachcroft Academy is committed to motivating, supporting and inspiring students to achieve. By being part of Ormiston, the academy strives to ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background, by providing the best learning environments both inside and outside the classroom.

Michelle Burgess-Allen, Principal said: “I am so proud of what our students have achieved. They have all shown wonderful qualities of character, and it has been truly remarkable to see how much they have grown and progressed during their time with us.

“I know they will go out and make everyone at Ormiston Beachcroft Academy incredibly proud.”