We are a national education charity, underpinned by our founder, Peter Murray’s (Ormiston Trust) belief that every child should be given a chance to thrive. We serve pupils from many communities, all with their unique character, strengths, and challenges.
Our sole purpose is to provide OAT pupils with excellent learning opportunities, inside and outside the classroom.
Tom Rees, CEO Ormiston Academies Trust
We are ambitious for the over-35,000 children and young people we are responsible for as they all deserve to be given every chance to succeed. Whether the pupils attend our primary, secondary, special or alternative provision academies we are determined that every pupil we serve will be given the opportunity to realise their dreams and aspirations.

For us to achieve this we know we must work in partnership with others. Children and young people live in families of different types, located in diverse communities. Our role is to provide a haven in which our pupils can thrive regardless of the context in which they are growing up. We are proud to be an outward-facing organisation committed to deepening and extending our work with others locally, regionally and nationally.