OAT London Marathon runners

Ormiston network members shine bright at London Marathon

London, April 21, 2024: The streets of London were filled with cheers and applause as five dedicated members of the Ormiston network crossed the finish line of the iconic London Marathon. Amidst the sea of runners, these individuals showcased not only their endurance but also their commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

Leading the pack was Mr Mason, principal of Ormiston SWB Academy, who ran in memory of his father and former SWB student, Alexen. With each stride, Mr Mason honoured their legacy while raising funds for Cancer Research UK (CRUK).

Joining him were Ormiston Teacher Training trainees, Mollie and Brad, whose feet pounded the pavement in support of Phab and The National Autistic Society. Their dedication to creating inclusive environments for individuals with special needs was evident as they conquered the 26.2-mile challenge. Mollie proudly showcased Phab’s invaluable mission of delivering inclusive safe spaces for all, on her marathon shirt, alongside the emblem of Ormiston Teacher Training. Through her dedication, she promoted their worthy cause, while trying to ignite a spark of inspiration in others, to encourage them to join the noble vocation of teaching and play a vital role in shaping the future of generations to come.

Ormiston Teacher Training trainee, Mollie

Meanwhile, Mr O’Connor from Ormiston Six Villages Academy completed the marathon with flying colours, raising an impressive £2,600 for the NSPCC. His commitment to the cause undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the organisation and the communities it serves.

Not to be outdone, Mrs Barnes and her husband from Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy took on the marathon in support of JDRF UK, a charity close to their hearts following their daughter’s diagnosis with type 1 diabetes. Their remarkable fundraising efforts, totalling an incredible £4,420, are a testament to their unwavering dedication.

Together, these Ormiston heroes have surpassed expectations, collectively raising nearly £22,000 to support vital causes and make a meaningful difference in the world. Their selflessness and determination serve as an inspiration to us all.

In addition to the runners, Assistant Principal at, City of Norwich, an Ormiston Academy, Mr Andrew Innes, exemplified the spirit of giving by volunteering with St. John Ambulance for over 20 years. His presence at the marathon, providing urgent medical assistance to runners, underscored the Ormiston network’s commitment to community service, support and social action.

As the cheers fade and the blisters heal, the impact of their efforts will continue to reverberate, touching lives and spreading hope far beyond the finish line. Congratulations to all who participated and contributed to this incredible achievement!