OIEA exam results

Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy celebrates student achievements

Students at Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy are celebrating today after receiving their GCSE results, as they get ready to take their next steps in their education journey.

Everyone has come together to mark the achievements of all the students, who have worked exceptionally hard over the past couple of years to secure these grades.

Alongside the continued success of the academy, some particular individual highlights include:

  • Bethan Moore achieved grade 9 in maths, English language, English literature, combined science, geography, Level 2 Distinction star in sport, grade 8 in French and grade 7 in art
  • Poppy Beardsley secured grade 7 or above in eight subjects, including grade 9s in English literature and history, and Level 2 Distinction* in health and social care
  • Anita Ebare obtained grade 9 in English language, and grade 8 in geography, biology, chemistry, English literature and maths
  • Gabriel Petrov received grade 9 in history, Level 2 Distinction star in sport and enterprise

Simon Leach, principal said: “Results day is always a special celebration for our school, and this current one has been an outstanding reminder of that. We are so proud of our students and the results that they have worked to achieve, with the help of our fantastic staff, who form such an important part of our school community.”