Rivers main entrance

Exam success for all at Ormiston Rivers Academy

Students and staff at Ormiston Rivers Academy are celebrating today after receiving their A- level and applied results, enabling them to secure places at their chosen universities, on coveted apprenticeships and selected jobs.

The sixth form students at Ormiston Rivers Academy have achieved some excellent results which reflect the hard work and commitment shown throughout their studies.

Students across the academy performed well, with some of the individual standout achievements including:

  • Dexter Harland-Hackenschmidt, who achieved A* in maths and A’s in physics, chemistry and biology. He will be going on to study physics with maths at the University of Southampton.
  • Bailey Woodford, who secured A’s in chemistry and biology and B in physics.  He will be going on to study veterinary medicine at the University of Surrey.
  • Imogen Garrett, who received A* in English literature, A in biology, B in chemistry and A* in her EPQ. She will be going on to study zoology at Bristol University.
  • Jemma Green, who is coming away with A in biology, B’s in chemistry and maths and A* in her EPQ. She has secured an apprenticeship with Lloyds of London Insurance.
  • Joey Abraham, who achieved Distinction*/Distinction in media, and Distinctions in sport and IT. He has also secured an apprenticeship with Lloyds of London Insurance.
  • Indie Wells, who received Distinction*/Distinction* in media, and Distinctions in performing arts and music technology.
Rivers exam montage
From left to right, Ormiston Rivers Academy students, Bailey, Dexter and Joey.

Some of the best performing subjects included chemistry, drama, IT, media, sport and child development. The academy was particularly pleased to see students from disadvantaged backgrounds performing very well.

Jo Williams, principal said: “We are very proud of all of the students receiving their results today, who have all worked incredibly hard over the past two years. Following this, our students are going on to varied and exciting destinations, and we cannot wait to see how they embrace this next chapter.

“All of our students, families and hard-working staff members have been instrumental in securing these outcomes, and I would like to thank all of them.”