Rivers main entrance

Ormiston Rivers caps off excellent year with good Ofsted rating

Staff and students at Ormiston Rivers Academy have earned a positive end to the school year, with school inspectorate Ofsted stating they remain a good school in every category.

Following a full inspection on the 7 and 8 June, Ofsted has concluded pupils “access a wide range of opportunities to develop their confidence, resilience and leadership skills” at Ormiston Rivers Academy, and benefit from the “high expectations” of teachers and a “broad curriculum.”

The full report, which is now available online, goes on to state:

  • Students at Ormiston Rivers Academy are provided with “the knowledge needed to prepare them for the next stage in their education or employment” thanks to its extensive careers advice programme. As part of this students in the sixth form “follow a well-designed curriculum” and “learn how to study independently.”
  • Leaders have “thought carefully about the curriculum” and “identified the knowledge pupils need to learn.” This is “regularly revisited so teachers know when is best to move on to new learning.”
  • Relatedly, teachers have “secure subject knowledge” and “provide high-quality feedback which pupils use to improve their work.”
  • “Reading has been prioritised” at the school, with “well-trained staff” able to support those who are weaker readers.
  • Pupils with SEND are “well supported” thanks to teachers who “identify their needs accurately and adapt their teaching to ensure that pupils can access the same curriculum as others.”
  • School leaders have identified behaviour “as a priority to get right,” and thanks to a review of behaviour management throughout the school, “have successfully reduced incidents of more challenging behaviour.”
  • The majority of pupils “are engaged and positive about their learning.” Moreover, “if there are instances where pupils repeatedly do not follow expectations, these are dealt with swiftly to ensure that learning is not as regularly disrupted.”
  • Pupils follow a “well-thought-out personal, social and health education curriculum.”
  • Safeguarding arrangements at the school remain “effective.”

Alongside this, Ofsted concludes staff feel supported “with their well-being and workload,” and recognises the school’s Governors, and colleagues from the school’s sponsor – Ormiston Academies Trust – “support and challenge leaders to make the school the best it can be.”

Joanne Williams, Principal at Ormiston Rivers Academy, said: “This fantastic report highlights the incredibly positive strides being taken at Ormiston Rivers Academy, and I would like to thank the entire school community for its hard work and support in helping us to achieve this.

“Ofsted rightly recognises the strong focus we place on building the confidence, resilience, and leadership skills of our students, as well as our desire to provide the best possible education for every student. It’s a brilliant way to end the year, and we look forward to enacting the report’s constructive comments to continue this positive momentum in September.”