British Science Week

Budding OCPPA scientists in their element for British Science Week

Year 5 pupils from Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy (OCPPA) stepped into the labs for an exciting experiment for British Science Week, which took place from 8-17 March.

As part of the 30th anniversary of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) celebration, pupils were challenged to build balloon powered cars to investigate the power of friction and the engineering behind how different surfaces can help vehicles to speed up or slow down.

With the theme of this year’s science week being ‘time’, the inquisitive pupils worked together to make the fastest possible car by manipulating different levels of resistance and using carefully collected data to provide detailed answers to why which surfaces were the fastest. 

The pupils were also joined by a lead practitioner for science from Ormiston Academies Trust, Ben Gott, who took the future scientists through the fascinating world of chemistry including different experiments and subjects they could cover as part of their Key Stage 3 and 4 learning opportunities with Ormiston.

As part of a wider focus on science careers, the week was also an insight for how the children could get involved in STEM jobs in the future, with lessons weaving a focus on the role of science in local jobs throughout the experiments to show how important the subject is for Great Yarmouth and the local community.

Louise Watkins, principal said: “Our pupils absolutely loved getting stuck into British Science Week and learning how the world works through science. It was excellent to have one of Ormiston’s lead practitioners for science come in and talk to them all about the possible futures they could pursue with science, and I know they’re all really excited to continue experimenting as part of their science curriculum.

“We are committed to creating opportunities for all our children to understand how they can get involved with STEM from an early age. It is so important in encouraging all our children to explore their passion and interest for science, as well as opening their eyes to how what they learn in school ties into what they see around them every day.”