WOA results

Wodensborough Ormiston Academy celebrates student achievements

Students at Wodensborough Ormiston Academy in Wednesbury are celebrating today after receiving their GCSE results, as they get ready to take their next steps in their education journey.

Staff and students have come together to mark the achievements of all the students, who have worked exceptionally hard over the past couple of years to secure these grades and have maintained outcomes in line with pre-pandemic results, with an increase in the number of students receiving a grade 5 or higher in both English and maths.

Alongside the continued success of the academy, some particular individual highlights include:

  • Favour Reginald who achieved an amazing the highest grade, 9, in nine individual subjects.
  • Aranja Aranganathan, secured two grade 9s, two grade 8s, four grade 7s and a grade 5.
  • Amar Minajev who received two grade 9s, one grade 8, one grade 6 and three Distinctions.
  • The academy is celebrating having its highest number of grade 9s in history.

Wodensborough Ormiston Academy is particularly proud of students’ achievements in photography, religious studies, community languages, as well as BTEC health and social care and sport.

Leigh Moore, principal said: “I am extremely proud of each and every one of our students who have proven, once again, that despite all challenges they take every opportunity that is given to them. They embody our academy’s vision of Achieve, Believe Succeed and show that hard work, dedication and perseverance really do pay off.”