Horizon sports cup winners

Ormiston Horizon celebrates sixth consecutive victory at OAT Sports Cup

Students and staff at Ormiston Horizon Academy are celebrating after taking home the coveted OAT Sports Cup for sporting excellence (north/west region).

For the 6th year in a row, Ormiston Horizon Academy demonstrated its dominance in sports excellence, with students succeeding in javelin, discus, and shotput competitions and taking the lead in track events including the 100, 200, and 800 metre races.

The academy’s remarkable winning streak across previous years is a testament to its ongoing commitment to nurturing athletic talent, promoting physical fitness, and fostering a culture of teamwork within its students.

Held annually, the OAT Sports Cup brings together students from across the trust for an exhilarating day of day of competitive sports and athletics. The two events held in north/west and south/east hold something for everyone, with athletes across Year 7 to Year 10 taking part in track and field events and fun tug-of-war competitions in pursuit of victory for their academy.

The events showcase the exceptional athletic abilities of students across the country, giving students from across OAT a chance to come together, compete, and forge lifelong bonds. This year’s north/west cup was held at Northwood Stadium in Stoke-on-Trent, with OAT students filling the grandstand to cheer on their teammates and friends.

Andy Fitzgibbon, principal said: “We’re so proud to have achieved the OAT Sports Cup for the 6th time – all our students performed amazingly and showed true sportsmanship, perseverance, and support for their teammates. It was great to see students from across the Trust come together for such a fun day.

“At Ormiston Horizon Academy, we are committed to providing exceptional opportunities for our students and fostering a culture of respect, resilience, and responsibility to inspire the next generation of champions and leaders.”