Venture Greshams scholar

Ormiston Venture Academy student awarded prestigious Gresham’s scholarship

Talented Year 11 student at Ormiston Venture Academy, Tegan Engstrom, has won a fully funded scholarship for a Sixth Form boarding place at Gresham’s School.

Joining Gresham’s from September 2024, Tegan will experience independent school life in its entirety, benefitting from a multitude of enrichment activities and high-quality facilities to support her education including the Dyson Building, the new centre for STEAM education which opened in 2021. She is also a keen swimmer and is excited to get stuck into the wide range of sport opportunities at her new school.

On track to succeed in her GCSEs at Ormiston Venture Academy, Tegan has her future studies already planned and hopes to study A-levels in psychology, business and physical education followed by a business and psychology degree, before aiming to serve in the British Army in the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Regiment.

She shone in her application process as a focussed and hard-working individual with incredible skill to debate and provide an evidenced opinion at interview. Commenting on successfully gaining the scholarship, Tegan said “I am so excited to attend Gresham’s in September, spending time there through this scholarship process has made me realise how big of an opportunity this is and how everything that Gresham’s provides its pupils can benefit me in achieving my goals and thrive in my time there as a student. I am so grateful for the opportunity and can’t wait to get started.”  

All of us at Venture are so proud of Tegan gaining the Gresham’s Scholarship.

Simon Gilbert-Barnham, Principal of Ormiston Venture Academy

Ormiston Venture Academy are committed to enriching the lives of its pupils by broadening their horizons and raising aspirations. The long-standing Gresham’s scholarship is reflective of the broad range of opportunities Ormiston Venture provides to its pupils, giving them every opportunity to succeed in life. Gresham’s has partnered with Ormiston Venture Academy to annually offer boarding places to aspiring pupils. Last year, the scholarship was awarded to Riley, who is now in Year 12 and is excelling in his studies in biology, chemistry and psychology.

Simon Gilbert-Barnham, Principal said: “All of us at Venture are so proud of Tegan gaining the Gresham’s Scholarship. She, like so many at Venture, has high aspirations that I am sure this next step to Gresham’s will continue to drive her to succeed.”

Dave Richards, Vice Principal said: “We are so proud of how all our students engaged in the Gresham’s Scholarship process, the applicants showed an incredible amount of passion and resilience combined with exceptional oracy skills which shone in their interviews.

“Our partnership with Gresham’s allows all our students to aim for a unique life changing scholarship opportunity, and although ultimately only one student can be the recipient, between the residential opportunities in Year 10 and the scholarship process in year 11, a large number of students have benefited from improved confidence and identifying their goals for future life.

“I have no doubt that the 2024 Gresham’s Scholar, Tegan, like those who have come before her will grab this incredible opportunity with both hands and be a brilliant ambassador for the academy and the process that will continue to benefit many more in the future.”

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